GDC Sacco Ltd was established and registered in the year 2003 as a Back Office Service Activity (BOSA) .The society was humbly started by 428 Members with an initial share capital of Kshs.992, 046.00 as at 31st December 2003.
In the year 2006 the Sacco opened the Front office Service Activity (FOSA) and opened its doors to the Dairy farmers for their banking services
Established in 2003, GDC Sacco has demonstrated a remarkable journey of growth and resilience. And takes pride in a Social economic transformation to its members through their products ,services and other products that empower the member financially and socially.

2008 - The beginning of GDC Sacco
The Sacco opened its door to non- dairy farmers thus increasing its customer base to over 23,000
members and re branded to Githunguri Dairy and Community Sacco limited

2012 - The beginning of GDC Sacco
Due to the growth in numbers of members and branch network the Sacco Re- branded to GDC SACCO
LIMITED inorder to penetrate and recruit members nationally and also from the diaspora

Gdc sacco Limited currently prides in having 9 branches and 1 outlet and is in the process of
expanding to other parts of the country.
Currently GDC Sacco has a customer base of over 67,000 customers and a member base of over 36,000
members spread all over the country and in the diaspora.
GDC SACCO has been participating in international conferences such as AFSIC Conference -UK where it
gunned millage from its participation in CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE PROGRAMM and currently
pursuing the same in order to change the lives of the members by use of clean energy such as Biogas,
Solar lamps and pumps, tanks, Supper Nappier and cow mattresses for the Dairy farmer.